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Reverse Your Age in 4 Weeks

Our clinical-grade Anti-Aging Systems are proven to visibly reverse aging by up to 4 years, in just 4 weeks. It’s not too late or too early to turn back the clock.

"There are three mechanisms associated with aging: shortening of telomeres (telomerase), shortening of ribosomal DNA (sirtuins), and destabilization of heterochromatin. Lunasin®, LunaMD's flagship ingredient, has been shown to reduce effects of these three aging mechanisms and promote longevity."



Lunasin® protects the epigenome (packaging of the DNA) from age-related disruption.

Heart Health

Lunasin® lowers HMG-CoA, lowering cholesterol without affecting bodily function.

Immunity Support

Lunasin® activates immune cell receptors, enhancing resistance to infection.

Blood Sugar Balance

Lunasin® reduces levels of FFA, a key biomarker of metabolic syndromes and obesity.

Sports Enhancement

Lunasin® blocks free radicals and NF-kB protein components to fight activity-related inflammation.

Weight Loss

Lunasin® boosts leptin and adiponectin, which cause the feeling of fullness after eating.


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