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Dear friend,
Does your dog...

Not listen to you when you call? And wish they would come to you right away when you called their name?

Jump on other people and frighten them? Would you love it if they calmly greeted visitors on all fours instead?

Dog Trainer for Aggressive Dogs 

Bark at, and act aggressively around other dogs? Wish your tail-wagger would go about their business in a calm manner and relax around other pups?

Pull on the leash while you go on walks - or get extremely excited before you get out the house? Want to know a simple trick to get your pup of any age to follow you?

Well if you’re experiencing ANY of these challenges then read this letter to the very bottom…

Because you're about to discover the most simple technique which turns ANY dog (young, old and rescued) into a respectful, obedient “good boy/girl” … often within just minutes!

And if you’ve got a young pup, then this is the perfect time to understand how they think…

So you can ingrain amazing habits now! You see…


You Don’t Need to Send Your Pup to an Obedience Workshop… Instead Your Dog Has to Understand You’re The Leader of the Household (Because if They’re Misbehaving in ANY Way, They Currently Think They’re The Leader and in Charge)

You see… If you’re to watch wolves out in the wild…

You’ll see that within every pack, there is ONE leader (or a male and female leader).

Put another way it’s NOT like a shoal of fish

The leader eats first, protects the pack from danger, calls all the shots, runs the show…

And all of the other wolves listen to it.

Not the other way around.

Well… As you know, dogs are descendents of wolves…


And dogs have the same “pack leadership” psychology ingrained into their DNA…

Which means: they’re always trying to figure out who’s the leader of the pack which they are in.

NOTE: Being the pack leader does NOT mean being dominant and physically aggressive with your dog… Nope!

Rather there’s just 5 gentle psychological techniques that you need to use, which demonstrates to your dog that you’re the leader.

When applied, your dog will simply understand that you’re the boss…

And like flipping a switch, once your pup sees that you’re in charge, they will begin listening to you… without using any aggression or dominant behaviour (I can’t stress this enough: this is a very gentle method :-)!

These psychological techniques are what I call the “5-Golden Rules”. That helps you to think like a dog…

And if you’re disobeying ANY of these 5 rules which I’m going to share with you in just a minute…

Then your dog is going to think they’re the one who's in charge of your household!

THEY’RE going to think THEY’RE the one calling the shots, and running the show…




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